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Picture of farmer Kelly planting tomatoes

Our Story

Flat Tack Farm was seeded in 2017 by Kelly & Patrick on the outskirts of Vancouver, WA. 


The farm started as a humble 60x70 foot garden.  Since then we've grown to 2 acres in vegetables and a 3 acre orchard.  With a Permaculture Food Forest in the works!


We believe that natural and fresh food is fundamental to a healthy and happy lifestyle.  We love cooking from scratch and know that the best flavor and the most nutrients come from well grown, fresh produce!


After learning about the nasty sprays and chemicals so frequently used in farming and how detrimental they are to not only our health but our entire ecosystem, we decided that we needed to learn how to grow our own food. 


Not to mention a label doesn't always mean it was grown with the utmost care for the earth and the animals.  We needed to see it and experience the process first hand and invite you to do the same!


Our mission is to grow quality, nutritious produce while promoting sustainable, socially responsible farming by using techniques that regenerate the land. 


By supporting local, responsibly grown produce, you too can help to create a stronger and healthier food system. 


Click the link below to become a farm member.

Picture of farmer Patrick holding peppers

What the heck does

"Flat Tack" mean???

No, it's not a push pin or a thumb tack.  Flat Tack is slang we picked up during our time living and studying in New Zealand and Australia.  It means "full speed, very busy, or as fast as possible".  The term likely originated from sailing.

Used in a sentence: "How are you today?"
"Can't chat now, I'm flat tack, mate!"

Sometimes farming feels like a battle against time, especially when you're growing on a small scale and are at the whims of the ever shifting seasons.


Before starting our farm we traveled and lived in New Zealand, Australia and SE Asia.  We stayed on farms and absorbed all we could from our hosts.  During the formation of Flat Tack Farm, Kelly worked for Full Cellar Farm in Gresham, OR for 2 seasons, while Patrick worked at Heathen Estate Vineyard. These experiences definitely left a lasting impression and showed us the way to starting our own small business.


When we returned from our travels we embraced an amazing opportunity that had presented itself, a beautiful vineyard with some extra space not in use!  We've turned it a productive farm with the power to feed people healthy, abundant, chemical free produce.


Become a subscriber and get our FREE Veggie & Fruit Storage Guide, along with farm updates and inspirational recipes PLUS you'll be the first to know when products are available!

Have a Question?  Shoot us a Message!

©2025 by Flat Tack Farm, LLC

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