Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Info
Here's the fine print and other answers
What is a CSA?
CSA or Community Supported Agriculture is a powerful way to build local food systems through partnership between you and your farmer’s annual harvest. The price of membership varies depending on which options you choose. This payment helps the farmer with their upfront investment and it allows them to purchase items needed to supply the members with fresh, locally grown produce for the season. Your support provides small farms like ours with stability and guarantees you access to the best we have to offer.
We have two options: Weekly/Bi-weekly Seasonal Produce Boxes (aka CSA) and a fully flexible membership pay as you go option (aka Farm Bucks).
What is the difference between CSA Boxes and Farm Bucks?
With the CSA membership, you receive a box of produce every week or every other week, depending on which option you prefer.
The season typically starts in May and continue through the end of October. There will be a 4 week pause on shares or "summer break" from July 3rd through July 25th.
CSA boxes can be picked up on Thursday evenings from the following locations:
-Flat Tack Farm: 9400 NE 134th St. Vancouver, WA 98662
-SE Portland Pick up site (exact address will be emailed to members before start date).
Downtown Vancouver Farmers Market pick up will be on Saturdays at our Farmers Market Booth
-605 Ester Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
Farm Bucks is a tab you start at the beginning of the season and as you shop we deducted the value of your purchases. Farm Bucks offers the most flexibility for those that don't always need the same amount of produce weekly or if you're out of town a lot in the summer we recommend this option! You get to choose exactly what you want to buy (like going to a grocery store) from our farm stand.
Farm Bucks can be used at these locations:
-The Flat Tack Farm booth at the Downtown Vancouver Farmers Market located near Ester Street Park
-From the farm stand self-service fridge from May through October at Flat Tack Farm: 9400 NE 134th St. Vancouver, WA 98662
-On our online shop all year long - make sure to select "pay offline" at check out.
Is your produce chemical free?
We use all natural and regenerative agriculture methods and have been following organic growing practices from the very start. We are pursuing Organic Certification, but are not yet certified. We also use low-tillage practices (which helps build more soil diversity and health). Our focus is to improve the land to a healthier state avoiding use of herbicides, pesticides, and harmful chemicals. We source only NON-GMO seeds and focus on preserving heirloom and rare varieties. Our farming amendments are all Certified Organic and we use locally produced natural compost. Our pest and disease management consist of techniques like companion planting and covering crops with row cover.
We love sharing about our farming practices, let us know if you’d like a tour or have any questions.
What do you grow?
Example of crops available throughout the season:
Spring: Arugula, beets, broccoli, cabbage, collards, mixed greens, lettuce, cilantro, dill, radish, green onions, garlic, kale, chard, snap/snow peas, kohlrabi, radish, raab, spinach, turnips, leeks, and microgreens.
Summer: Green beans, summer squash, tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, basil, melons, cabbage, lettuce, bunched greens, collards, cucumbers, potatoes, dill, parsley, fresh herbs, beets, carrots, corn, onions, berries, and microgreens.
Autumn: Apples, Pears, Plums, Peppers, tomatoes, winter squash, carrots, beets, potatoes, bunched greens, cabbage, kale, cilantro, dill, parsley, fresh herbs, broccoli, cauliflower, chicory, spinach, radish, onions, leeks, parsnips, kohlrabi and microgreens.
***In the spring it is common to have shares that are mostly greens, herbs, radishes and other fast growing crops. The boxes may also seem a little lighter than in the summer. Boxes in the fall will have more roots and heat loving crops like tomatoes, peppers, and squash. The box values will average out over the season.
Why Join?
Food! We want to supply the most nutritious, freshest & flavorful food that is grown right here in Vancouver, WA. We grow many unique crops that can't be found in grocery stores (like elephant garlic, cukamelons, kohlrabi, cape gooseberries, specialty tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and greens).
Connection: With the farm and your farmers, as well as seeing first hand where and how your food is brought to you. Creating long term relationships with your farmers and community. Eating local connects you to the seasonality and appreciation of what is grown in our region.
Health: Eating seasonally not only provides you with the most nutrient dense food available, but it also adapts you to the climate and provides necessary nutrition for that season. CSA's diversify your diet and create opportunity to learn new recipes and cooking methods. Most grocery store food is picked unripe and travels thousands of miles, leaving the produce with little nutrition, less flavor and a huge environmental impact.
Support: By paying early for your produce, you provide the farm with much needed income to get the season started. Even though crops aren’t ready until late spring, we actually start ordering seeds and supplies in January. By the time March rolls around, thousands of little plants are already growing! The majority of supplies needed to sustain a farm are purchased before April. The upfront investment that you provide helps us grow all year for you.
Ready to Join?
Other details for Farm Bucks
*Farm Bucks can also be used for Farm to Table Dinners, events and specialty products that we sell.
*Your Farm Bucks tab must be used before the end of the season; we cannot “roll” it over to next season because of tax and budgeting complications. But don’t worry, fall will offer a cornucopia of produce to choose from and you can always share the wealth! In the event that you have left over credit on your tab at the end of the year, you can elect to either have that amount go to the scholarship fund or for an equivalent amount to be donated to the food bank.
*Once you are a member you can refill your Farm Bucks at any time by purchasing another voucher from the website, farm stand, or the Farmer’s Market (in $50 increments) before September 1st.
*You may designate other people to use your Farm Bucks so anyone you name can pick up produce.
*If for any reason you’re not happy with your membership, please reach out to us. We work hard to grow for you and will do what we can to make it right! If we can not make it right refunds for Farm Bucks are available before July 31st minus the value already spent and any associated card fees.
How do I keep track of my Farm Bucks?
We are partnered with Credibles to offer prepaid tabs. Once we receive your payment, we create a “tab” for you using the Credibles app. You will receive a message and information on how to track your tab. (Note: A cell phone is not required to be part of this program)
When you come to the farm stand, no need for a wallet, just mention you’d like to add it to your Farm Bucks tab and we will enter the purchase for you. Check out this link for more information
Cancellation & Refund Policy
We work very hard to grow delicious and healthy food for our community. It is not common that people want to cancel, but in the event that you may be moving out of town or experience a hardship- we can definitely work with you. Please let us know at minimum 2 weeks ahead of time and we can refund the difference of any shares that haven't been fulfilled. Because of the nature of a CSA program and the fact that funds are typically spent at the beginning of the season we ask that you please take this into consideration before joining the program. If you just need a bit more flexibility, we can always switch you to "Farm Bucks" or work out other solutions.
We sort produce thoroughly but there is a chance that damaged items can slip through or be damaged upon packing. If this happens, let us know asap and we can swap or give a credit for the next pick up.
Sharing Risk and Reward: Farming is subject to the whims of nature and climate changes. By joining as a member you get the opportunity to reap the rewards of seasonal abundance. There are also times that a crop can fail due to pest, disease or other production challenges despite our best efforts. If this happens we usually swap items and give our members more of other items or credits for future use. In the unlikely event that we experience a total farm or crop loss from natural disaster, we unfortunately can not provide a refund or exchange.
Food Justice and how you can be a part of the solution
We believe everyone deserves equal access to healthy food and we’re working to make this possible! We accept EBT/SNAP benefits and WIC/Senior Checks. If you need a scholarship or payment assistance, please contact us for more information. We can also arrange a payment plan or even a work trade option.
The Scholarship Program is funded by fellow CSA members. If you would like to donate to this program head to the shop and choose the Donation Option.
We work with the Clark County Food Bank to provide farm fresh produce through the Farm to Food Pantry Program. Please consider making a donation to your local food bank or food gleaning program. We also support the Vancouver Free Fridge Program and Urban Abundance.